Workshop cases
Identity ReflectionA workshop to find the Team's current and future identity. First step participants build individually the team's identity and each of them shares his/her vision with the built model. Then they build the shared Teams identity by using part of each individual model. During this step participants build the current identity of the team and get aligned with the composed model. Next step is to build the future or aspirational identity: we start again with individual buildings: each participant builds the aspirational identity of the team. Once each of them has shared his/her point of view is the moment to build a shared aspirational identity of the team. Who do we want to be in 3 years? What defines our aspirations? Finally with the 2 shared models (current and aspirational identity) they reflec on what do they need to move from the current identity to the future vision. Benefits:
Living the Mission
This company had already the misssion defined and they choosed the LEGO® Serious Play® tool to cascade it through their teams and reflect on it. We started asking participants to build a model about what was the meaning of the mission for each of them. Then they shared each model and the next step was to place the models in a landscape and tell a story that included all the models. Other models build made them reflect on: What would be the impacts that, the realization of the Vision, would bring to the Company? How this would change the way they work together? What effects would this misssion bring to their customers? Benefits: